Triple H's 10 Most Notorious Urban Legends

8. He Really Cares About Winning Matches

Story: When Hunter was in the prime of his career he was a top guy for many years. He had earned a bad reputation as a guy that didn't put over others very much. For this we've got this quote from a former WWE writer that provided this information to Powerslam magazine a few years ago. €œI remember being nervous the first time I delivered the script to the McMahon dressing room where HHH would dress (he would never use the locker rooms with the rest of the boys). When HHH answered I told him the RAW script was ready for his review. On the first occasion, he grabbed the script, flipped through it but did not read it, and asked me point-blank: €˜Am I f***ing going over?€™ This first time that I delivered the script to him, he did indeed win his match, so I said yes. Then he politely gave the script back to me without reading it and said, €˜That€™s all I needed to know,€™ and walked back into the McMahon locker room. A few months later when Gewirtz had another weekend off, I delivered another RAW script to him on a PPV Sunday. And it was the same routine. He nonchalantly flipped through it and said, €˜Am I f***ing going over?€™ This time, however, he was to lose his match via disqualification. He would keep his title. I said to him, €˜Well, sort of.€™ Then Hunter froze. He said, €˜What do you f***ing mean, sort of?€™ I said, €˜You lose the match via DQ, so you still keep the title.€™€˜What page?€™ he growled. After I told Hunter the page number this occurred on, he ripped that page out, threw the rest of the script to the floor in a rage, and slammed the door in my face. Needless to say, the next day during the agents€™ meeting, the script had somehow changed and now HHH won his match €“ cleanly. This was hardly an isolated incident.€ If that's true then it's proof that when he was wrestling he had a huge ego and really did all he could to use his influence backstage to stay in a top position. Why People Believe It: He has more influence than any wrestler in WWE, so if anybody could get a finish changed after it was already in a script it's probably him. Should We Believe It: It seems very possible for the most part although there have been times when he put over others too. While the times where he lost don't stand out as much, it did mean a lot when he put guys over. Vince McMahon is also the one with final say and he did book Hunter in awful storylines from time to time too, so it's not like Hunter was able to get out of stories all the time. This is one where we'll say it seems about 75% legit and 25% that the former WWE writer could have been fabricating a bit because it makes for a nice story.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.