Triple H's 10 Most Notorious Urban Legends

7. He Was Never Truly The Top Guy

Story: Triple H was a main eventer in WWE starting in late 1999 and throughout the 2000s. His run as a top guy lasted longer than most. He deserves a lot of credit for wrestling at a high level for so long and overcoming the injuries he had to last as long as he did. Not everybody is a fan of his, though. There are some people in wrestling that aren't big fans of him. Here's how former wrestling manager and booker Jim Cornette spoke about Triple H in an interview from January 2014: "Well, I would love to give you an opinion, but I am clean and sober from WWE programming for several years now, and I do read what is going on, but it seems like it€™s more of the same. In my opinion, he was never the star, he was always the guy that worked with the guy that drew the money, and he continues to push his boring self down the people€™s throats. You know, what more can I say, I haven€™t seen it first hand, but at least he got a haircut." While he admits to not really following WWE for several years, he was paying attention to it when Hunter was at the top of the card. Why People Believe It: Cornette brings up good points when he says that Hunter worked with guys that drew the money since Hunter was in feuds with the likes of Steve Austin, The Rock, John Cena and others. Cornette's one of the smartest guys in wrestling and when he talks people should listen. Should We Believe It: Yes and no. It's a tough one because there weren't a lot of times in his career where he was the overwhelming top guy or the biggest draw. Then you look at how long he was at the top and it's hard to just ignore that. He wasn't Austin or Rock, but it's not like many guys were ever at that elite level either. Hunter deserves credit for being where he was for as long as he was. It's not easy to last at the top of the card the way he did.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.