Triple H's 14 Greatest WWE Title Defenses Ever

8. WWE Championship Match: Triple H Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (No Mercy 1999)

Triple H was still finding his footing as a main event heel by the time No Mercy 1999 rolled around. If he wanted to retain the WWE Championship that he had just regained a month earlier at Unforgiven, he would have to overcome the ferocious challenge of the Texas Rattlesnake and biggest star in the industry, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. The two had been engaged in a heated rivalry dating back to SummerSlam in August and their match at No Mercy was supposed to be the latest chapter in their program. The match delivered, despite Austin fighting through a serious neck injury which would ultimately sideline him for close to a year. Triple H bled, the fight between the superstars spilling to the arena floor and involving numerous weapons and other implements of pain and punishment. The Game drove Austin down with the Pedigree and figured to have beaten him, but the lack of a functioning referee cost him the win much earlier in the match. He even wethered outside interference from Vince McMahon, whose issues with Triple H were intensifying as the weeks went on. Late in the bout, The Rock made his way to the ring and attempted to avenge a sledgehammer attack to the midsection by giving one to Trips. Unfortunately, he screwed up and blasted Austin, allowing The Game to score the win and successfully retain his title. How anyone thought the above scenario made The Game look like a heel instead of a sympathetic babyface forced to endure constant interference is a mystery, but he won and became one of the best and biggest heels to ever set foot inside a Vince McMahon-owned ring.
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Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.