Triple H's WWE Characters Ranked - From Worst To Best

2. The King Of Kings

Triple H Many Faces

Triple H spent a good few years running roughshod over Raw and wearing suits without ties, but after Evolution split up and HHH lost the World Heavyweight Title to Batista, he took a step back from the world title picture - in fact, he took a break from wrestling altogether. He returned to WWE in October, teasing a babyface run but turning on longtime friend Ric Flair.

From there, Triple H adopted a far more tolerable character. He was still a heel, and he still made sure to be a focal point of TV (he was in the 2006 Royal Rumble for over an hour and he main-evented WrestleMania 22), but it was almost like he realized that he no longer needed to be the center of the wrestling universe. His casual attitude came with a more casual look - just get a load of that mustache.

His ring work was still largely slow and plodding, but it mattered less when it didn't feel like the whole company was slowing down to let him keep up. John Cena was emerging as the company's new superstar, and HHH let him run with it.

The character didn't last long - by June, he was back in DX - but it was a huge relief for those who watched him ruin Raw. Plus, he got a new Motorhead song, which is always cool.

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Triple H
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013