Vince Russo: 10 Reasons WCW Was Its Own Worst Enemy

2. Russo Vs Bischoff

WWE.comWWE.comAt the end of the day, it wasn€™t either of ours fault€”it wasn€™t mine, and it wasn€™t Eric€™s---it was Brad Siegel€™s who was running both TBS/TNT at the time. Look, you cannot take two guys with such diverse backgrounds not only in the wrestling business, but life in general, and expect it to €œwork€. It just doesn€™t happen that way. Eric€™s background came from the AWA out of Minnesota, mine came from the WWE out of New York. Two completely different mindsets and responsibilities. Sure, if you are two level-headed, intelligent human beings you are going to figure out how to meet in the middle, but after a while, that becomes tiresome and too much work. Once you get to that point---it€™s over. There€™s a reason why Ed and I meshed so well. We were both Italian guys from the East Coast, we both grew up on the WWF, we bothed loved the entertainment aspect of the business. We thought alike, we wrote alike---that€™s why it worked. You throw two polar opposites together---you€™re destined for nothing but failure€”and that was eventually the outcome.

Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for