Vince Russo: 10 Reasons WCW Was Its Own Worst Enemy

7. The Committee

TNATNAFrom the start, Bill Busch €œsuggested€ that I work with a €œcommittee€ in writing the show. I guess this was his way to €œkeep me in line€. So, I went with it, even though one of the members on the committee was his friend, musician Bob Mould from €œHusker Du€. Now do you understand what I just wrote. Bill Busch meets this musician who€™s a wrestling fan---marks out for him---and puts him on the €œcreative team€, for no rhyme and reason other than he€™s a €œfan€. Would that not rub you the wrong way? I wouldn€™t even put GENE FREAKIN€™ SIMMONS on the creative team if given the opportunity, and I€™m a HUGE KISS mark! I hate the fact that the majority of those involved in professional wrestling think that €œjust anybody€ could write TV. Sorry---not that easy. How about if Bob Mould let me play drums next time €œHusker Du€ is in town---even though I don€™t even know how to hold a drumstick? SAME FREAKIN€™ THING!

Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for