Vince Russo: 10 Reasons WCW Was Its Own Worst Enemy

5. Giving Talent Creative Control

Hulk Hogan Bash At The Beach 2000 Let me first say up front€”this isn€™t a Hulk Hogan issue, this is an ANY TOP TALENT issue. You CANNOT give creative control to a wrestler---I don€™t care who he is---period. Doing so just throws a monkey wrench in the entire scheme of things. When a wrester doesn€™t particularly like something you wrote for him---and he has the power to have it changed---well, that could potentially cause a domino effect that could force the entire show to come crashing down. Now then, can you imagine if that card is played an hour before the show goes live? Then what? What kind of a show are you going to get? Hulk Hogan€™s €œcreative control€ was what triggered the entire €œBash at the Beach€ incident, and had that not been a part of his contract, that entire cluster-f*** would have never even taken place.

Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for