Vince Russo's 10 Biggest “What If” Moments In WWE History

1. What If Hulk Hogan Would Have Lost To The Iron Sheik At MSG?

Truly€”that€™s where it all began for me€”BROTHER!!! Hulk Hogan winning the WWF Title from the Iron Sheik in 1983 just transcended the business of professional wrestling into the world of sports-entertainment. The Hulkster had such an over-the-top personality, that he was able to take the product from adult orientated smoke-filled arenas, into an evening of spectacular entertainment for a family of four!!! HOGAN DID THAT, NO ONE ELSE€”HOGAN. At that, my friends is what brought us where we are today. Without Hulk Hogan trailblazing the path, there is the extinct possibility that pro wrestling wouldn't even exist today, certainly not in the form it€™s in!
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Vince Russo
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Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for