WCW/ECW Alliance - Where Are They Now?

Justin Credible

Owner of one of the most cringeworthy names in wrestling, the former Aldo Montoya may have been a major player in the dying days of ECW, but in WWE he was just another guy on an already overcrowded roster. He was quickly relegated to B shows like Heat. His fortunes didn't change following the Alliance storyline. He remained on Heat and house show duty, only appearing on Raw every now and then (usually as part of the Hardcore Title 24/7 storyline). He was fired by WWE in January 2003 and went back to the indies. After a few years on the indies, Credible was brought back as a member of the relaunched ECW, memorably being the first WWE opponent of CM Punk. He was released once more after just a few months, and has been wrestling intermittently on the indies since. He plans to retire from wrestling in November of this year.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...