WCW/ECW Alliance - Where Are They Now?

Lance Storm

If I can be serious for a minute... Lance Storm provided one of the early memorable moments of the Invasion, as he was the first WCW star to invade WWF programming. Storm quickly captured the Intercontinental Title and had decent matches with the likes of Edge and The Hardyz. He was a constant presence on WWE TV over the next few years. Storm retired from full-time in-ring competition in 2005, wrestling his last WWE match against Chris Jericho at One Night Stand. Following that, Storm chose to focus all of his efforts on his training school, The Storm Wrestling Academy. As well as his training school, Storm still wrestles the odd independent date and was recently shown on-camera during WWE's MSG Network special.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...