WCW/ECW Alliance - Where Are They Now?

Mark Jindrak

Mark Jindrak only made a few on-camera appearances for WWE during the Invasion angle, in July 2001. That his most notable moment was a match against Jerry Lynn on weekend show Jakked should tell you all you need to know about the part he played in the storyline... He was sent to developmental in August and resurfaced on the WWE roster in 2003, forming a tag team with Garrison Cade. Jindrak was originally going to be a member of Evolution, but that was nixed and his role was given to Batista instead. After an underwhelming career on Raw, he was moved to Smackdown in the 2004 draft. Things weren't much better there, either. He was a member of Kurt Angle's ultra-lame stable, along with Luther Reigns, and was soon back to being a glorified jobber. Following his July 2005 release, Jindrak made a name for himself in Mexican promotion CMLL. He currently lives south of the border with his girlfriend and son and is one of CMLL's top foreign stars. He has also begun branching out into acting, securing a regular role on a popular Mexican soap opera.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...