WCW/ECW Alliance - Where Are They Now?

Chuck Palumbo

Palumbo looked like he may get to play a big part in the Alliance angle early on but was quickly phased out and eventually sent to OVW just a few months into his run. He was fired on-screen by Stephanie McMahon in late October 2001 and joined the WWE roster a month later. When he returned he formed a tag team with Billy Gunn, which developed into the effeminate button-pushing Billy and Chuck. When Billy got injured in October 2002 the team disbanded, and Chuck transitioned into being a member of the FBI before being released in November 2004. He returned after a spell on the indies, reverting to his biker gimmick and was given a so-so midcard push on Smackdown before being released again. These days, Chuck is doing very well for himself. He owns a custom bike shop, plays guitar in rock band 3 Spoke Wheel, co-hosts a reality show on the Discovery Channel and spends time with his family. In interviews he has expressed that he has no desire to wrestle again.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...