WCW/ECW Alliance - Where Are They Now?

Hugh Morrus

DeMott only had one PPV match during the Invasion angle, at the Invasion PPV where he, Shawn Stasiak and Kanyon lost to Big Show, Billy Bunn and Albert. After that, he was pretty much relegated to wrestling on the B shows. He found a role that suited him a short time later, though, as a coach on Tough Enough. Big Bill had a short run on Smackdown and then Velocity in early 2003 before deciding to retire due to knee injuries. From there, he became a colour commentator on Velocity and then a trainer for WWE's developmental system. He was fired in 2007 following allegations of abuse and neglect, but was rehired in 2011. His most recent spell as a trainer came to an end in March of this year due to increasing pressure from some of his former trainees, who claimed he was unsafe and used bully tactics in training. DeMott denies the allegations and has made podcast and interview appearances since where he has defended/explained himself. Don't expect to see him back at the Performance Centre any time soon.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...