What 10 WWE Comebacks Would Look Like

7. Carlito

Rey Mysterio

Another prominent Ruthless Aggression midcarder, Carlito Colon was a unique personality whom fans found endearing (I mean, what other wrestler do you know who spits apples into people's’ faces?). It’s been seven years since Carlito’s been on the roster, but with his brother Primo and cousin Epico are still with the company, the door is supposedly open for Carlito to make a comeback.

Should he, it’s a safe bet that he would be lumped with his family, who are currently an aimless tag team on SmackDown. Carlito could benefit them by giving them some desperately needed personality and direction by being their manager.

It’s an effective strategy. After all, the Miz was an aimless midcard heel before his wife Maryse was brought on as his valet. Carlito could help the Colons reach a more prominent status. Plus, the threesome opens up the door for a feud with the New Day.

After all, who doesn’t want to see Carlito spit chunks of apple into Francesca II: Turbo, rendering Xavier unable to play her? This stuff writes itself.

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Rey Mysterio
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