What 10 WWE Comebacks Would Look Like

5. Cody Rhodes

Rey Mysterio

Last May, Cody Rhodes, frustrated with the lack of a push and creative stagnation that came with his Stardust character, left WWE to pursue greener pastures. Since then, Cody has been on an absolute tear in the indie scene, appearing in every high profile company from TNA to Ring of Honor to New Japan. At the time of this writing, Cody is set to compete in singles matches for both the Ring of Honor and IWGP world titles within the same eight day span. With such a productive run outside WWE, one would think Cody would be a fool to ever consider returning to the company that kept him down all those years.

However, when you consider that AJ Styles, whose stock was raised considerably after winning the IWGP title twice, is now one of the biggest stars in WWE, you know Cody is wanting the same thing. Essentially, it’s very likely this run on the indies is to boost his stock so that in the event he does negotiate a return to WWE, the bargaining power will be in his corner.

So assuming Cody’s run in the next few years results in significant world title reigns, expect him to come back to WWE as a main eventer much like AJ. He certainly has the physical tools and charisma to carry himself as such, and WWE could make a lot out of his current “American Nightmare” (essentially a dark inversion of his father Dusty). Obviously, a Cody return would happen much later down the line, but never rule it out, and don’t think they’ll make him a space clown again.

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Rey Mysterio
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