What They Did Next: WWE 2021 Releases - Part 1

7. Tucker Knight

Chelsea Green IMPACT Slammiversary

"Steaks and weights, Tucky!"

Heavy Machinery were a throwback to a bygone era when they showed up in NXT. Contrasted to the more wrestling-oriented teams on the show, Otis and Tucker were heavy on gimmick and seemed bred for McMahon's shows more than the developmental brand. How could it possibly go wrong?

Sadly Vince McMahon famously hates tag teams and, as soon as he had a funny fat man to laugh at, it was only a matter of time before his nurses got tired of explaining who the other fellow is. In the middle of a bizarre angle where The Miz was trying to get legal custody of the Money In The Bank briefcase because "reasons", Tucker turned on his tag team partner for "no reasons", leading to no storyline between them at all. With Heavy Machinery split up, it was only a matter of time until Tucker's was wished well in his future endeavours.

While Tucker has yet to return to the ring, he has kept himself wrestling-adjacent. In August he was announced as one of the judges of the annual Kip Clips Wrestling Promo competition, in which fans give their best promo and try to get their character and story over.

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