Why Cesaro Is Finally Getting A WWE Push

2. The Swing Is OVER

Cesaro WrestleMania 37

What's a sure-fire way to make WWE brass pay attention to you? Get something 'over', brother.

Ahead of WrestleMania 36, Drew McIntyre had managed to get his 3-2-1 countdown for the Claymore Kick over with fans. Going further back, Daniel Bryan managed to get both No! and Yes! chants over to a ridiculous level. And even before that, The Rock managed to get over the simplest of eyebrow raises.

The point being, if you can find something - be it a move, a mannerism, a chant, a catchphrase, whatever - that audiences latch on to, you're on the track to potential gold.

For Cesaro, he's managed to make his patented Swing one of the most popular moves in WWE over recent months. A major part of that has been how brilliantly Seth Rollins has sold the manoeuvre, but clearly the main reason for the Swing's success is down to the utterly freakish strength of the Swiss Cyborg.

As long as fans continue to pop big for the Swing, Cesaro is in with every chance of seeing his current push continuing. It may be hard to truly garner crowd reactions when we're largely living in a ThunderDome world with virtual fans, yet the general reaction online to Cesaro and the subsequent reaction to the Swing at WrestleMania 37 tells you that this move is massively working for the Swiss.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.