Why Everyone Is Wrong About THIS WrestleMania 39 Car Crash

You don’t have to look any further than the recent triumvirate of Lesnar matches against Lashley, which presented as a dream match on paper. The two never overlapped during their initial runs in WWE. They both left and won World titles in other companies. Both men found success in MMA. Still, their paths never intersected.
The feud wrote itself, particularly after WWE had successfully rehabbed the All Mighty into a killer and not a guy running obstacle courses and dealing with his “sisters.”
But after three matches, it’s safe to say that the fans have tapped out.
These clashes should have been epic: two bulls bouncing off each other and using different tactics because their usual method of overpowering an opponent wouldn’t work in these instances. (Think about Big Show versus Braun Strowman, where they actually did some chain wrestling.)
But the Brock formula didn’t allow for much deviation, so we got what we got: hard-hitting but unimaginative matches with screwy finishes. By now, the feud has got to be colder than Roman Reigns’ march to the title at WrestleMania 31… and 32… and 34.
Thus, WWE stuck a fork in Lashley/Lesnar 4.
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