Women's Wrestlers With The Most World Titles (Across All Major Promotions)

7. Lady Apache (7)

3 CMLL World Women's Championship

2 AAA Reina de Reinas Championship

2 Mexican National Women's Championship

Lady Apache was born Sandra González Calderón, but married into the Apache family by wedding lucha libre legend Gran Apache in the 1980s. (Her step-daughter Faby Apache is a big draw for AAA. A four-time Reina de Reinas champion herself, her match against Lady Shani at Triplemanía XXVI is currently the company's most seen YouTube video with 9,9M views.)

Working on and off for CMLL and AAA, Lady Apache managed to claim three of Mexico's four women's world titles between 1996 and 2006. She is also famous for her long-standing association with third husband Electroshock. The pair were the first ever AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champions, defeating among others the team of Gran Apache and Faby. For those who enjoy some telenovela mixed in with their pro wrestling, can it get better than the daughter fighting alongside the father against her mother and father-in-law ?

Lady Apache and her husband had another memorable moment at Triplemanía XII, when Charly Manson defeated Electroshock in a retirement match. She offered to shave off her head to spare her husband's career, which Manson accepted. Afterwards, Electroshock also shaved his hair in solidarity. Isn't that romantic ?

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