WrestleMania 36: 10 Matches We Want To See (And How To Book Them)
7. Triple H vs Shane McMahon
Look, Triple H and Shane McMahon are now guaranteed WrestleMania attractions. As sure as night follows day, as sure as Monday follows Sunday, and as sure Corey Graves' eyes follow Mandy Rose's arse around a room, they are going to be on the card next year. Accommodating them both at WrestleMania 35 cost us over 40 minutes in the ring, and god knows what else on entrances, so lets just bundle them in together this time.
How You Book It: Shane's continued reign of terror on SmackDown needs to run long beyond his feud with The Miz, to the point where the self-appointed Best In The World should genuinely be talking himself up for title shots and putting himself over the show's numerous up-and-comers. He needs to take opportunities away from other people and give them to himself so frequently, and so frustratingly, that there's a walkout.
In protest of his absurd levels of s**thousery, members of the SmackDown locker room refuse to turn up to work and pretty much hijack an entire show demanding WWE do something about him. Queue HHH arriving and telling him that he's meant to be smarter than this, he's meant to be a McMahon and McMahon's know what's "best for business".
In return you can have his brother-in-law throw back all the times HHH has used his influence to get himself opportunities and bury those he considered less worthy. The stage is set. Shane vs Trips. Authority vs Authority. McMahon by birth vs McMahon by shagging. Loser leaves the company.