Wrestling Moves That LOOK Horrible (...But Are Actually Totally SAFE!)

6. Going Through A Table

Randy Orton headbutt Cody Rhodes.jpg

As mentioned numerous times already, back bumps are rarely fun. But if you do find yourself having to fall back-first to the ground, having something to break your fall on the way down usually softens the blow a touch.

So, despite often looking like one of the most agonising experiences one can go through during a wrestling match, the act of being sent through the Dudley Boyz favourite object isn't actually as terrible as you'd think.

The table typically cushions the impact for the bumping performer when done correctly, with the glorious cracking sound of the wood splitting sounding far worse than it likely feels.

If said table is on fire, doesn't break, or the person falling through it is coming off the top of a ladder, the spot is obviously going to be way more perilous and potentially excruciating for the poor soul connecting with the wood.

A basic table bump, though? It's definitely one of the safer big spots a wrestler will take in your average extreme showdown.

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