WWE: 10 Best Facts About Daniel Bryan's Success Story

2. WWE Has Moved In A New Direction

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96-ozhe6rzQ It appears that WWE, hot on the heels of the Yes Movement, has finally decided to move in a new direction. It's possible that WrestleMania XXX will be looked back upon as the night that birthed a new era in professional wrestling. There were a number of definitive moments that point to this. Kane and the New Age Outlaws were squashed, Steve Austin and The Rock were reduced to cameos, HHH was defeated soundly, and The Undertaker is resting in peace, all the while new talent was given the spotlight and chance to shine. It felt like a symbolic changing of the guard. HHH has made mention of "the reality era" often as of late, and that's as good a name as any. The lines between reality and kayfabe have been blurred, with the company working a genius angle allowing them to play out the fans' real life criticisms in on-air storylines. The people are starving for new, fresh faces on top, and they're giving them to us in spades. Crowd reactions took Cesaro from a midcard tag team to a superstar on the rise, an ill-timed breakup for The Shield has been postponed in favor of a face turn and feud with the biggest stars in the business, and Daniel Bryan is finally the face of WWE.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.