WWE: 10 Best Jumps From The Top Of A Steel Cage

7. Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga - Raw

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryzHZtNgYIA Jeff Hardy is known as one of the biggest daredevils in wrestling history. Not just a high flyer, he's put his own neck on the line countless times by diving off of ladders, through tables, and, yes, off the top of a 10 foot high steel cage. Heading into the match, Jeff was the Intercontinental Champion and the number one contender for Randy Orton's WWE Championship. That match would take place at the Royal Rumble, but first, the high flying tag team specialist would have to get through the Samoan bulldozer Umaga, inside a cage, on Raw Roulette. Orton was ringside for the match, hoping to see Hardy punished an injured. What he got left him shocked. Umaga had given Jeff a solid beatdown, including a shot to the back with a chair after Orton threw three of them into the ring. Hardy began his comeback, hitting a DDT onto one of the chairs, and began for the win through the door. But the Viper was waiting, and slammed the cage panel into Hardy's head, knocking him back into the ring with the monster Umaga. When Hardy hit the Twist of Fate, the crowd was ready for a win. He couldn't escape through the door because Orton was waiting for that, and if he pinned Umaga and didn't get the fall, he wouldn't know how to beat him. So up the cage wall he went, the crowd cheering him as they anticipated the victory. Orton was losing his cool outside, and inside the ring, Umaga began to get up and make his way to the wall Jeff was climbing. Hardy was now at the top of the cage. Without looking down, or playing to the crowd, he dove backwards, twisting and turning in the air as he came crashing down onto Umaga with a beautiful Whisper in the Wind. He covered him for the one, two, three, and that was the match. Hardy would go on to lose to Orton at the Rumble, but the moment on Raw Roulette will live forever as one of many great Jeff Hardy moments.
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