WWE: 10 Best Title Belt Designs In The History Of Wrestling

5. WWF World Tag Team Championship

WWF TAG Team Growing up watching wrestling, this is the only Tag Team Championship I remembered. This was the ultimate title for a tag team, and that was all we knew. You used to see old videos of the likes of the Hart Foundation, The Legion of Doom and Demolition holding these belts, and then on Raw you would see The Hardyz or Edge and Christian holding them, and you know that that tag team were at the top of their game. One thing I used to love about these belts was how simple they were. They could have easily over complicated them by adding some useless stuff, but they just kept it nice and simple. The version of these belts that came before the ones pictured had a silver base center plate and gold detailing, and as much as I liked gold and silver, it didn't do it for me. The solid gold versions were much nicer in my opinion. WWF TAG TITLE One of the most instantly recognizable features of this belt that I always remembered was the blue globe with the red "world", whenever I saw that globe I instantly thought of the World Tag Team Championship. These belts were used up until the brand extension in WWE, when Raw and SmackDown had separate titles, Raw got the World Tag Team Championships and SmackDown got the new WWE Tag Team Championships. The Raw titles were gold with red detailing and the SmackDown titles were gold with blue detailing. Once again, how subtle. The World Tag Team Championships were used in WWE up until the unification of the World and WWE Tag Team Championships in 2010, and since then the Tag Team division in WWE have been fighting for the WWE Tag Team Championships.
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Graphic designer, guitarist, rock n roll aficionado, wrestling enthusiast, football fan, pretend NFL understander, TV watcher and cinema goer.