WWE: 10 Best Title Belt Designs In The History Of Wrestling

4. WWF Championship (Attitude Era)

WWF Title 3 When I first look at this belt, it just looks like a modified and better version of the Winged Eagle belt. I know many people don't think the same as me, but hey, it's my list. When introduced in 1999 I was very much smitten with this title. I'll back up my Winged Eagle claim with some evidence. The Winged Eagle belt had a huge eagle, this belt also has an eagle, an eagle that was smaller, more condensed and looked much better in my opinion. The Winged Eagle had they bits at the side, that looked like it was propping the whole center plate off the strap, this belt also has the same bits, just stuck in behind the plate, not giving it the same effect, but it is there. Lastly, the Winged Eagle used a font on the banners that seemed very art nouveau like, the "champion" banner uses the same font. That is my case for that. That said, I'm not against it. I liked the Winged Eagle, but I did think it could be improved, and this is the improved version. The Attitude era title was easily my favorite belt growing up, I had a replica of this belt, as many of my friends did, we all loved it. It was big, round and gold. It was thee championship. The Winged Eagle looked like it was designed or the 80s, and the Attitude era looked like it was designed for the 90s. It was perfect for it's era, just like the Winged Eagle before it. WWF TITLE This belt just takes me back to memories of The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H, back when I really enjoyed watching the wrestling, and didn't know who was going to win. They were the biggest superstars of the time, and are some of the biggest of all time, so when I think of this title, I think of the best champions I got to see, and this was the prize they wrestled for. So for me, that makes this, thee ultimate prize in pro wrestling. The next title in our list came straight after this, and is easily my favorite WWE title, even to this day, mind you, it doesn't have much competition in the WWE these days.

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Graphic designer, guitarist, rock n roll aficionado, wrestling enthusiast, football fan, pretend NFL understander, TV watcher and cinema goer.