WWE: 10 Best Video Packages Ever Made

1. The Rock Vs. Stone Cold €“ My Way

There are so many things that make this match between The Rock and Stone Cold stand out. Having your two most popular wrestlers reaching the pinnacle of their careers on the biggest stage in a face vs. face situation is something WWE doesn't do very often. In fact, only Hogan vs. Warrior springs to mind. Yes, they met two years earlier at Wrestlemania 15, but that encounter was nowhere near this level. This match occurred at the peak of the Attitude Era and both were the biggest stars in wrestling. Two years on from Wrestlemania 15, The Rock came on leaps and bounds and established himself alongside Stone Cold as wrestling royalty and the biggest draw in the company. It was a match of epic proportions. With that said, the match deserved a build-up which showcased what a grand encounter this was going to be. The result was the greatest video package the WWE has ever produced, fittingly for what is considered the greatest PPV of all time, featuring two of the greatest superstars of all time €“ Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. The video, featuring Limp Bisket's 'My Way', highlighted perfectly what made this match so special and still gives me goosebumps over 10 years later. Austin was returning from a year out, seeking redemption by winning the Royal Rumble and becoming WWE champion again. During the same time, The Rock won the title from Kurt Angle at No Way Out, resulting in the paths of these two wrestling icons finally crossing. The match was built as that neither man could afford to lose, exemplified with Stone Cold saying in an interview with JR "I need that title." With that one sentence, the foreshadowing off Austin's heel turn was set in place and even the lyrics offered a hint of a spoiler..."I'm gonna do things my way."

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