WWE: 10 Best Video Packages Ever Made

5. Kurt Angle Return €“ Clocks

Kurt Angle, next to Bret Hart, is probably the greatest pure wrestler the WWE has ever seen. The man can do it all. Whether he is in the ring with Big Show, Brock Lesnar or Shawn Michaels, he can have a good match with anyone and his career catalogue must feature more five-star matches than almost anyone else. No matter what role he's put in, he seems to excel. From being the annoying American hero, to the wrestling machine and even his comedy segments, Angle keeps you on the edge of your seat whenever he is on the screen. Yet since leaving for TNA in 2006, he's left a considerable hole in the WWE. We're all waiting for Angle to call it a day on his TNA experiment and return to the big stage where he belongs, so we can all marvel at his wrestling excellence against the biggest superstars again. Eleven years ago WWE fans were in a similar position, again longing for Angle's return. Yet this time it was due to an injury he'd received €“ Angle injured his neck when winning the Olympic gold medal in 1996, and while it never fully healed, he exacerbated it in 2003. After his match with Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 19, Kurt went for surgery. This brilliant video chronicles Angle's rehabilitation and his determination to return better than ever. Hopefully, with Angle's contract up later this year, we can look forward to another video package from WWE concerning his return.

Sab Sangha hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.