WWE: 10 Best Video Packages Ever Made

3. The Rock €“ Coming Home

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hqVB1Hv48s When The Rock returned after an eight year absence, it breathed life back into WWE. His original feud with Cena was exciting and fresh, and something that we had all longed for. It was almost a new school vs. old school rivalry, reminiscent of when The Rock faced Hogan ten years earlier. Usually, the hardcore wrestling fan hates old stars coming back and taking the limelight from younger and perhaps better-performing wrestlers. However, The Rock is an exception €“ he's one of greatest of all time, not an over-the-hill Dave Batista whose jeans are too tight. Plus, The Rock is a Hollywood superstar, so his coming back has little to do with a last pay check for his retirement €“ this is a man who was the highest grossing actor in 2013, so money is definitely not a factor. So when the WWE announced that Raw was going to be The Rock's birthday celebration special, it was guaranteed to bring in the viewers. The show had your typical Rock segments, a lot of catchphrases and crowd interaction. However what wasn't planned was Vince McMahon coming out and giving a heartfelt speech, simply saying thank you to The Great One for returning. Vince really seemed to fully appreciate that The Rock came home €“ he knew full well that The Rock no longer needs the WWE, and also must've been grateful that the superstar's presence guaranteed truckloads of money for Vince and guaranteed PPV buys. The video had an appropriate song called Coming Home and chronicled The Great One's life in the WWE, showing that the wrestling business genuinely is in his blood and no matter how much success he has in Hollywood, we will always be remembered as The People's Champion.

Sab Sangha hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.