WWE: 10 Biggest Missed Opportunities With CM Punk

2. The Summer Of Punk

CM-Punk-Best As fondly as we like to remember it, let's face facts, "The Summer of Punk", as it's become known was a flop. Sure, it got Punk over for the rest of his career and made him a big star, but it could have done so much more for his character. Let's start with the first thing they did wrong, after kayfabe leaving the company, Punk returned to WWE television a week later to confront John Cena. Why? He should have been gone for at least a month or two, making his return feel more special. Then the WWE committed a cardinal sin by having Punk lose to Triple H at Night of Champions 2011, killing all of his momentum and ultimately focusing the spotlight on Triple H and Kevin Nash, a storyline that no one remembers or cared about at the time. This was the perfect set-up to forever cement Punk as an all-time great, all that was needed was to keep him off television for a while and to beat Triple H, just two things that were painfully obvious. Punk's 434-day title reign should have kick-started after Money in the Bank 2011, instead we had to wait for Punk to beat Alberto Del Rio at Survivor Series four months later. WWE dropped the ball on this big time.
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CM Punk
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Lifelong wrestling fan and film buff who consumes far too much caffeine. Currently working on a comic book and learning how to cook the perfect fried egg. Both of which are an ongoing process.