WWE: 10 Biggest Royal Rumble Missed Opportunities In History

2. A Genuine Surprise

Antonio Cesaro Too often in the Royal Rumble the final winner is predictable. It is usually already a top star, as in the case of winners like Cena, Edge, Taker and Orton. Even in years where Mysterio and Benoit surprisingly won, it wasn't really a true surprise - a true surprise would be someone completely out of the picture winning. WWE should consider the potential of having somebody either completely unknown or un-thought of winning the annual match. The surprise factor could pay off, it would be a guaranteed way to get people talking. It could even be a way to debut someone, right away giving them a huge win that makes them famous. What better way to instantly make a new star? The boldest concepts are sometimes the ones that pay off. Who could WWE surprisingly book in 2014? How about Antonio Cesaro. The crowd want to get behind the entertaining worker who is currently part of the tag team scene. Nobody would see it coming if he was suddenly catapulted to the main event. As one of the best pro wrestling talents on the roster, there is no doubt that Cesaro could handle it.
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