WWE: 10 ECW Match Types That Should Be Resurrected From Its Heyday

9. Bring Your Own Weapons Match

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38UmJiUD6xk In ECW, the fans were certainly loud, but they certainly weren't passive. Actively vocal in their support and hatred of certain wrestlers the fans were allowed to be as crazy and vocal as they wanted. A part of this was encouraged in a 'Bring Your Own Weapons Match' where fans were encouraged to bring random objects to the ECW Arena and wrestlers would use them in matches. Ruthlessly loyal to Extreme Championship Wrestling fans brought all sorts of objects from kayaks, vinyl records (can't imagine that hurting though) VCR's and most infamously a cast iron skillet. Cactus Jack would defeat The Sandman with the aforementioned skillet to win a Bring Your Own Weapons match in the early days of ECW. Now, WWE want fans to be a bit more passive than ECW fans but I think WWE fans bringing objects could be a fun distraction. However, with security these days its highly unlikely this would ever take place but perhaps WWE could hand objects out in the crowd and it could be fun. The most important part is the fan participation, not really in bringing their own weapons which will probably never happen but it would be good to see fans passing Daniel Bryan something to use in a match because there would be a certain sense of participation and interaction that WWE fans rarely get.
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