WWE: 10 Most Frustrating Things About Being A WWE Fan In The UK

7. American References That We Just Don't Get

WWE is undoubtedly rooted in the USA, not only in it's origins, but it's biggest fanbase and largest source of income is from its American audience; so WWE needs to appeal to that target market. As British fans, we understand that.However, the amount of references to American culture, sport, news and celebrities that feature in the show often leaves us a bit befuddled. It seems to be on every episode of Raw that Michael Cole will say 'Hey, it's local sports team members, Geoff Sportsmeister and Brad Rothlithchildsberger!'. It's probably a great thrill for fans of said team, but for us Brits, it leaves us in the dark and with questions only Google can answer. Heels also tend to use the tactic of disrespecting the local team of whichever city they're in, and we're left to assume whatever they said was painfully accurate to the live crowd. The era of Raw Celebrity Guest Hosts was probably the most frustrating era in terms of American references. Unless the hosts were a major film star, a former wrestler, Buzz Aldrin, The Muppets, or in fact British, we had no clue who the hosts were and why they were so popular (or unpopular in some cases). Despite WWE defining itself as an international brand, the amount of Americana and references to American culture can be a little off-putting. And I'm still not sure what a Slim Jim is.
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