WWE: 10 Gimmicks That Should Have Failed (But Didn't)

3. Too Cool

This one... this one I'm still shaking my head at and it's been years since I first saw these two come out. I really honestly don't believe anyone thought that this gimmick could possibly work, well except for Vince. I mean honestly, two white dudes dressed like the lamest rapper's I've ever seen with hair styles that would make anyone slap their barber. They come down the ramp and then proceed to display the most horrible dance moves this side of Brodas Clay's wiggling and somehow they get over? One has to give it up to Scotty 2 Hotty and Grand Master Sexay, they were able to turn the jeers and laughs of the fans into cheers and applauds and even had people doing the worm right along with them in the comforts and privacy of their homes.
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Struggling author who can string a couple good sentences together. Has an insane passion for anything professional Wrestling and Doctor Who. Likes her villans a little more than she should and firmly believes that the movie industry has bled her poor Anti-hero Batman dry.