6. Yokozuna's Bathroom Break
On a flight with Yokozuna in 1993 Curt Hennig offered to split a large bar of chocolate with him. Quite why Yoko would even consider this is unknown given Curt's reputation but he did it nonetheless. Of course this chocolate was laced with Ex-Lax meaning that the 500 lb sumo suddenly needed to take a very large dump. The only problem with this is that aeroplane toilet stalls are not designed for 500 lb sumo wrestlers and consequently Yoko could not get in one. The stewardesses then bravely decided the only way to manage this situation was to take Yoko to the back of the plane , cover the floor with newspaper ans hold blankets to protect the huge samoans modesty until he was finished delivering the biggest bowel movement in the history of American Airlines. I hope those girls at least got a tip for that.