WWE: 10 Greats Who Never Won The Royal Rumble

8. Kane

When I speak of Kane, I am not speaking of the wrestler Glen Jacob's other persona's: Fake Diesel or Isaac Yankem DDS. Fake Diesel was a pitiful attempt at WWE to counteract the loss of Kevin Nash, while Isaac Yankem was a ridiculous gimmick even by the standards of the mid-nineties, when a clown wrestling a garbage man was still occurring. For most fans, and seemingly for Jacob's himself, his career in WWE truly began when he donned that now infamous red and black mask and interfered in the first ever Hell in a Cell match. Kane has won a myriad of belts in the WWE, finding most of his success as a tag-team competitor, with various partners over the year. I don't think anyone has won the belts with such an array of partners; with The Undertaker, Rob Van Dam and The Hurricane all pairing with the Big Red Machine to win the belts. Kane has held the WWE Championship on one occasion, though he only held the belt for a single day. A later run as the World Heavyweight Champion, in 2010, lasted far longer and is arguably the highlight of Kane's career as a singles competitor. Kane has been a mainstay in and around WWE main event since his first appearance in 1998. The Royal Rumble has been Kane's match in many ways over the last decade and a half. Kane has the second largest number of eliminations in Rumble history with 38 only one behind leader Shawn Michaels. In 2001 he eliminated 11 people in a single Rumble, which is still the record. Since his first Rumble match in 1999 he has competed in all Rumble's, except 2012 where he wrestled in singles competition against John Cena. In total that is 14 Rumble appearances under the guise of Kane, not something to be sniffed at. Kane is as associated with the Rumble as any wrestler, which is why it is possibly even more surprising that he has not won the event. Which Royal Rumble could they have won? 2006. Kane's competed in so many Rumbles that the choice is broad for ones that he could have won. Though his performance in the 2001 Rumble match was incredibly impressive, it's not the Rumble I've plumped for. In 2006 Kane was floundering slightly, and a win at the Rumble would have set him back on track as a main event beast. Alas, for poor Kane it looks like it will be always the 7 foot tall, fire obsessed bridesmaid, and never the bride.
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A 27 year old man who should know better. An actual RE teacher. Living in the North of the United Kingdom with his partner and two rabbits. The rabbits are called Jasper and Isabella, and they are the inspiration for most of his work, as well as eating USB cables.