WWE: 10 Life Lessons From Chris Jericho Every Man Must Follow

8. "I'm The Ayatollah Of Rock And Rolla" - Be Versatile In Life

One of the coolest things about being Chris Jericho is that he isn't just a wrestler ... he is a huge rock star as well! Jericho's band Fozzy have been around for some time now, they have a solid reputation for their music and are successful in their own right. Having seen the band perform live, I can confirm they rock. Just as Chris Jericho is an astounding wrestler, he is also an astounding frontman. His personality and rapport with the audience shines through in his performances. Jericho's success as a musician is something that we can definitely apply to our own lives - don't become boxed in. By developing versatility in his work possibilites Jericho has enriched his life significantly. He doesn't need WWE, so when he does return, he can leverage his contract. He is now arguably a rock star first and foremost, with his status as a wrestler the secondary consideration. By not putting all his eggs in one basket, Jericho has that rarest of things, a life after wrestling and mainstream success. He is truly the ayatollah of rock and rolla!
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.