WWE: 10 Notoriously Difficult To Work With Wrestlers

2. Hulk Hogan

In the ring, he is almost unmatched when it came to connecting to that crowd. Wrestling fans can debate work rate and technical expertise (although Hogan was a better technician than most give him credit for) to the moon but it all comes down to charisma and crowd connection and the Hulkster had that in spades, more than justifying his standing as one of the greatest of all time. This fame however, came with an ego the size of a planet threatening asteroid. As the WWE's top dog in the 80's, he was second only to Vince himself when it came to backstage stroke, one word from Hogan could make you or break you. This power was not always one Hogan used responsibly and after he left WWE to head to WCW, things only got worse. As part of the NWO with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall (who haven't made this list due to their backstage politicking being largely at the behest of Hogan,) he basically became the booker, giving himself and his buddies all the power and eventually being a major factor in running WCW into the ground. Nowadays he's a mostly harmless personality, but the old ego still emerges from time to time. His run in TNA involved multiple instances of him beating down men several decades younger than him with little to no effort and his refusal to do the job to stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 17 changed the main event altogether.

Just a jolly ol' pop culture nerd living just outside London in England. I dabble in a little bit of everything but specialise in wrestling, gaming and comic books.