WWE: 10 Most Overpaid Wrestlers Of 2013

4. Rey Mysterio, Upper Mid Carder, $985,000 Yearly Guaranteed (Typical Upper Mid Card Earns 600-800k), Competed In 3 PPVs, 0 Main Events To Draw 0 Buys, Reported Strong Merchandise Sales

Rey Mysterio It isn't the banged up Rey Mysterio's fault he has been out injured most of 2013 - but it has meant that WWE has got little value for money on his $985,000 guaranteed contract. Just three PPV appearances, 0 of which were main events, means that Rey can't be credited with drawing much money to the company. His merchandise sales have been good but Rey (who takes a good percentage on sales) hasn't sold to the point that it justified his large contract. The high wage and inactivity has became a serious issue within WWE. Management are not happy - this scenario has been raging for years now. Rey is struggling to compete and WWE are losing huge money on him. This reportedly led to WWE deliberately catching Mysterio out with a drug test in 2012. Frustrated with the star being out injured, WWE invited Rey to watch a WWE show in his home state - and as soon as he turned up he was forced to take a drug test. Rey failed and WWE proceeded to suspend the star. Both the wrestler and the company will be hoping for a more active 2014 - at his best, Mysterio is clearly worth his money.
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