WWE: 10 Most Powerful People Right Now (In Order Of Importance)

5. Michael Luisi, WWE Studios President, Executive Vice President, Business Development, General Counsel

Halle Berry The Call Vince McMahon has made WWE Studios one of the most important priorities of the entire WWE. Heading the division is Michael Luisi, who has worked for the WWE since 2011 on the back of an impressive record at Miramax films. Luisi is chiefly charged with overseeing WWE studios worldwide strategy and distribution. But his actual power extends much further into other divisions of WWE, and he works across the entire business. For example, Luisi is involved in development and strategy in the television product, as well as dipping into legal affairs. That versatility combined with his position at the priority WWE studios makes Luisi very powerful in the Connecticut company. Vince has great faith in Luisi. They recently signed a new contract, and with WWE films like Halle Berry's 'The Call' performing fantastically in a commercial and critical sense, WWE studios is gaining momentum. Vince McMahon is obsessed with being a legitimate media mogul - Michael Luisi is a key man in helping Vince become the next Walt Disney. Well, in Vince's mind anyway.
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WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.