WWE: 10 Reasons Hulk Hogan Should Be Celebrated At Wrestlemania 30

6. Working with Young Wrestlers

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aJdwm6yJrs Now, this one is often overlooked, primarily because of the ego moral panic of the NWO days in WCW but Hogan has often worked with, and put over, younger talent. Perhaps one of the €˜nicest€™ examples of this was the tag-team with Edge. If you watch Edge€™s DVD it€™s clear how much this moment in his career meant to him. He was a Hulkamaniac of the highest order and to win the tag titles with his hero must have been incredible. Add to that, the crowd went crazy when it happened and €˜Real American€™ played them out. Then there was the WrestleMania match with The Rock which was supposed to see Hogan play the heel was he was cheered throughout to the point that the crowd were exhausted by the end of the bout (leaving Jericho and HHH and insurmountable problem when it came to their main event). Hogan also put over Rock cleanly which, in itself, was great to see. Also, and you don€™t see many legends do this, there was the beating at the hands of Brock Lesnar. Not only was the match called, but a bloody and defeated Hogan was forced to leave for several months due to the beating he took in the ring. Losing clean to The Rock is one thing. Being decimated by an up-and-comer is a totally different proposition. Hell, he even put over The Ultimate Warrior and Goldberg.

Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com