WWE: 10 Reasons Tag Team Wrestling Just Got Great Again

10. Match Length

For years WWE fans had to endure 2 minute meaningless "tag matches" with thrown-together teams as filler until the main event. Now that tag teams are given a decent 10 minutes each week to showcase their qualities, the division seems to have picked up. Funny that - who'd have thought that actually giving professionally trained wrestlers opportunities to wrestle for extended periods of time would engage viewers and improve the division? At Pay-Per-Views we have had the awesomeness that has been Shield vs Rhodes Brothers (Shield vs Anyone to be fair), Team Hell No vs Rhodes Scholars, and genuine teams like the Usos given opportunities to shine. Giving wrestlers time to engage the audience, tell a story, and actually wrestle has gone a long way to improving the tag division in the WWE. How are people supposed to be emotionally invested in a match when wrestlers aren't given the time to tell a story in the ring? This is the same problem that currently plagues the lower-mid singles card. How can you find people interesting if they're given a 5 minute window to perform in? Two minutes of which is usually an entrance. Match time is even working to an extent in the much-maligned Divas division. These Diva tag matches where they actually get some time to prove they can wrestle and work together in the ring seem to surprise some people. A lot of these ladies are very accomplished wrestlers, and it is good to see the tag division being utilised in a way which means inexperienced female wrestlers can work with the likes of Natalya, AJ Lee, and Tamina to improve themselves. How about that multi-diva suplex by Total Divas on True Divas the other week? For a division that is often the butt of ridicule and scorn, that manoeuvre was pretty awesome.

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