WWE: 10 Reasons John Cena Heel Turn Would Be A Mistake

4. Cena Being Indoctrinated Is Silly

Out of all the reasons for Cena turning heel, having him brainwashed by the Wyatts is pretty silly. Much like how the Wyatts seemingly brainwashed Daniel Bryan into joining the family, nobody would really buy that such a positive thinker, a man who lives on hustle, loyalty, and respect, would be convinced by Bray Wyatt to join him on the path to destroying all of the world€™s heroes. It€™s not natural, and it comes off as cheesy soap opera. It wouldn€™t be the first time WWE has gone in that direction, but it would be nice if it was avoided. Instead, Cena needs to choose to change his ways. The audience needs to understand that Cena being a heel is not due to the mind control powers of a redneck cult. For whatever reason, Cena has decided to turn his back on the WWE Universe, and for the move to be effective, the fans have to believe in Cena€™s reasons and not rely on the off chance that Cena can be €œsaved€ and be brought back to the side of good. It would be easy to say that Cena was mind controlled, but here€™s hoping that the writing team have something more interesting, and a tad more believable, in mind for Cena€™s heel turn should that day ever come.
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.