WWE: 10 Returns & Surprises We Want To See For The Network Launch
8. The Wyatt's Make Their Presence Felt
The night before, at Elimination Chamber, there is every likelihood that The Wyatt's will somehow cost John Cena the match. How they'll do it is unknown but they've probably watched Shawn Michael's pop out from under the structure to superkick Taker on DVD so look out for that one. What this means though is that The Wyatt's/Cena feud will be the one to go forward moving into the biggest night of the year. This will actually be a great move for Cena because it take him out of the title hunt and places him against a very dangerous faction. Yes, we've seen him beaten down by Nexus before taking them apart, superman style, all by himself. The difference is, as exciting as Nexus originally were, they hadn't been built up. The Wyatt's have taken on many different wrestlers in a variety of matches. Kane was taken down in an Inferno Match. Bryan was humiliated and almost brainwashed. Cena has already had a title opportunity destroyed by the cult members. Also, the night before, at Elimination Chamber, we will probably see them get so far into the heads of The Shield that they implode leaving Roman Reigns as a towering babyface for 2014. This episode of Raw will see Cena go after The Wyatt's for the first time and, in so doing, will hopefully put over the faction in a way not seen for years. It's something fresh for Cena and Bray will have a top match at a top PPV.