WWE: 10 Superstars Who Should Have Been Head Of Creative

9. CM Punk

CM Punk has a unabashed love for professional wrestling. There is little doubt that if he was ever put in charge of creative, he would be able to make a very good go of it. His ability to sense what the audience wants and their tolerance of how long they are willing to wait for it is evident in his promos. Indeed, the genius of Punk is that his promos are cutting edge with pipe-bombs and the like, but he still respects the fundamentals of what makes the business good. He sells the angles and the blows that can put others as well as himself over. A Punk driven creative would probably use real life incidents to drive gimmicks and angles to ensure that the lines between fiction and fact were blurred in order to make the fans suspend disbelief. If there was tension between various wrestlers in the locker room (or even rumours of tension) I think a Punk-led creative would be only too willing to exploit it. There will no doubt be times when it would be controversial, but I think Punk would be more interested in creating great wrestling than creating headlines.
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Gamer, Pop Culture consumer and WWE watcher, Vectron44 has been described as a prophet of truth, a pain in the proverbial and everything in between. Approach with caution lest you get sucked into his world of geek.