WWE: 10 Superstars Who Should Have Been World Champion

2. Mr Perfect

http://youtu.be/-1bsAeyj8QA Everything about Curt Hennig in WWE during his glory days was perfect, so why did he never get a top tier run? Perhaps the higher ups were wary of giving a man who's spent a considerable amount of time on the sidelines with injuries the top title, or maybe he just wasn't as over upon his return as when he was Intercontinental Champion? Whatever the reason Mr Perfect is someone a promoter would look at today and think "We have the complete package here" a sure fire way to get yourself a run at the very top of the card. If you've ever read Bret Hart's biography it seems The Hitman was the experimental World Champion when he took the belt from Flair following the 'Steroid Scandal' - so perhaps Perfect just missed the boat as he and Hart were so very similar in the ring.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.