WWE: 10 Talking Points Of The Ultimate Warrior's Career And Legacy

5. Warrior As A Draw

Warrior's popularity and mainstream celebrity will be what he's best remembered for, it so rarely happens that a WWE performer becomes part of the mainstream consciousness. In his ability as a draw he can claim a better main event status than the majority of WWF performers. This was a man who became so big he replaced Hulk Hogan as the number one guy in the company. That's some achievement. His merchandise also became the top sellers of the company, he was the biggest thing going for us fans who enjoyed that era. However, numbers did drop when he became Champion. This was partly the cyclical nature of wrestling coming out of a long 80's boom period and the fact that people like to see a wrestler chasing the belt more than they like seeing a wrestler with the belt. Despite the drop off, it was nowhere near Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels levels of disappointment. All in all, you have to consider Warrior as one of the most famous WWF Champions ever. He did huge business for the WWF despite not maintaining it as Champion.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.