WWE: 10 Talking Points Of The Ultimate Warrior's Career And Legacy

4. Time Passed Him

Warrior had peaked as WWF Champion and his career went downward. He had an abrasive relationship with many of his colleagues and even fell out with Vince McMahon. The result was he ended up in and out of the WWF and WCW for short bursts throughout the rest of the 90's, never really managing to find a cohesive role to re-ignite his career. As much as anything, time passed Warrior over, his success in the 80's had came too late to be maintained. Had he debuted five years earlier he could arguably have rendered Hulk Hogan into a supporting role and himself became the biggest pro-wrestling name ever. It wasn't to be, Warrior only got to the WWF in 1987 and by the time he was Champion the industry cycle was downward. There was nothing he could do. The nature of the early 90's period was also seeing changes in the very nature of WWF. Vince McMahon was embroiled in a steroid scandal and moving his product toward more realistic looking wrestlers. Face paint and colourful gimmicks were out as the likes of Bret Hart got elevated. Warrior's muscular look was no longer the 'in thing' as small workers like Shawn Michaels got increased show time. Warrior was a victim of the times.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.