4. The CM Punk 'T Shirt Incident'
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdQktikHU_k Cesaro was left off the WrestleMania 29 card in New Jersey last year... which in CM Punk's mind, was vastly unfair. So what did Punk do? He turned up to the Mania 29 press conference in a 'Cesaro' t shirt. The video above shows an hilarious exchange between Punk and Mark Henry about Punk's t-shirt statement for the then under-utilised Swiss man. "Why am I wearing an Antonio Cesaro t shirt?" Punk says, "because Antonio Cesaro is awesome and I like to represent guys that don't necessarily get the representation if you know what I mean ... he might be stronger than you (Mark Henry) he's a strong son of a b****!" It was a cool thing to see Punk going to bat for someone in this way. As one of the best wrestlers in WWE, Cesaro definitely deserved to be on the Mania 29 card in one way or another. Ironically, a year later at WrestleMania 30, Punk was gone from the company and Cesaro had one of the major spots on the card when he won the Andre Battle Royal. Did Cesaro show his support for the disgruntled Punk with a t-shirt? No, ha.