WWE: 10 Times Triple H Consciously Didn't Do What Was "Best For Business"

2. Daniel Bryan Begins The Biggest Push Of His Career In 2013, HHH Buries Him Constantly On TV Until Bryan Loses The Final Blowoff

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80uurLMWX3M I'm actually skipping over the Brock Lesnar stuff, where again retired HHH made sure to win a match against the supposed superstar headliner getting paid millions, at Wrestlemania no less. I'm generous that way. No, instead let's talk about the internet's favorite topic as of late: Daniel Bryan and how spectacularly wrong his push has gone in recent months. Now, you'd think the point of wrestling was to draw money and continue making new stars to replace old ones, but you'd be wrong. The point is to amuse yourself and make inside comments about guys on national TV to prove your own circular logic correct and thus keep things nice and steady until the next part-timer can come to Wrestlemania and stabilize the profits again. This was proven when Daniel Bryan got pushed to the main event at Summerslam this year, and the focal point of the feud with HHH became how Bryan was merely a "B+ guy" who couldn't win the big one and wasn't worthy of being the face of the company due to being too small. After weeks of HHH saying this, Bryan had a showdown with the appointed face of the company, Randy Orton, in a Cell match, where he promptly lost and got shunted back down to the midcard again because for some crazy reason he wasn't drawing on top. Was the stuff HHH was saying true? Maybe, but going on your own TV show and telling people is a major dick move.
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Scott Keith is a wrestling blogger and general smart-ass, residing at blogofdoom.com, aka Scott's Blog of Doom! Scott began slacking off in Computing Science classes in university, and discovered the wonderful world of writing online in 1993, and has never looked back since then. You may wish to purchase books by Scott on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS89P0