WWE: 10 Times Triple H Saw Something He Liked And Booked Himself Into It

10. Goldberg

When WWE signed Bill Goldberg in 2003, they had finally landed the one huge WCW star who could become a main event draw in WWE. Goldberg's look and quick brutal match style was exactly the kind of main event act the company was crying out for. At first, Goldberg was booked exactly how he should have been, WWE gave him a huge win over a big name in The Rock, he then went on to establish an impressive winning streak. The WCW icon was starting to get over with WWE audiences, he was well on the way to being the same dominant act he was during the 173-0 streak of the 90's. And then Triple H happened. Having identified Goldberg as the next big WWE star, Triple H wanted in, he wanted to be the big match Goldberg won the title in. It wasn't the worst idea, but it was hardly the level a Undertaker vs Goldberg match would have been, if WWE really wanted to do a hot match it would have been that one. Nevertheless, Triple H was a long reigning world champion, this would be the match Goldberg would main event SummerSlam with. Unfortunately, Triple H got an injury. He suffered a haematoma so bad that he could barely walk. The right thing would have been to put Goldberg over clean against someone else, but instead we ended up with an Elimination Chamber match in which the barely moving Hunter pinned Goldberg off a sledgehammer blow. The logic was that this then gave Hunter time to heal and put Goldberg over 'properly' the next month at Unforgiven. Goldberg's streak was over before he even became Champion. Was it really best for business? Or was this a case of an injured Triple H using influence to protect his own interests.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.